LinkedIn Report on Indian Professionals Adapting AI Skills

LinkedIn has released its report on adopting the digital era’s new AI (artificial intelligence) skill. This shows that Indian professionals with AI skilled members are increasing and have reached 14 times in June 2023 as compared to January 2016. 

Let us check how the same is going to make changes and what steps the institutes, government, and companies are taking. Which will help the country with a great future to meet the needs of citizens. Let us check and see everything everyone needs to know for better career development and updating towards the betterment. 

How are Indians Adopting AI Skills at the Workplace to Remain Adaptable?

A recent report by LinkedIn has said that Indian professionals are embracing the digital world’s AI skills. Artificial intelligence is rising in the world of work. We have seen the escalation of artificial intelligence. In this, Indian professionals have been able to adopt artificial intelligence skills 14 times more compared to the year 2016 which was revealed by LinkedIn on 22nd of August 2023.

The report’s theme from LinkedIn is known as “Future of Work”. LinkedIn has reported a 14 times increase in AI skill adopters. The same is the highest number compared to the year 2016.

What Are the Benefits of an AI Skill Adapter for India?

India is known for the top talented people worldwide. Whether it is in the field of developing artificial intelligence, delivering businesses with the top solutions, and much more.

The same number of artificial intelligence skill adopters in the early stage put the country; India in the top 05 countries to have AI talent increase. The top countries that are in the Future of Work include Finland, Singapore, Ireland, and Canada as per the reports.

LinkedIn’s report says that its AI Skill Index indicates the number of shares of members with at least 2 AI skills. This shows the same on their profiles has increased and this is compared to the previous level scaled in 2016.

The team also reported that over the past years, the usage of AI escalated in workplaces.

This huge number of adopters has assisted a lot of companies and promoted them by 60 percent. On the other hand, the percentage of Gen Z increased by 71 percent in India. The same has been recognized that AI skills have assisted in enhancing career prospects.

What are Indians saying about adopting AI skills?

As per the reports we got to know that 2 in 3 Indias are willing to be equipped with at least 01 artificial intelligence means digital skill in the current year 2023. AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning) are the top skills they want to learn. If not the same may cause them to lose the job they are having currently. As the top company executives have made it a priority to have AI skills, they have started hiring.

Can you think around 57 percent of organizations are enhancing AI to utilize the same in their organization? This is a big thing that job seekers need to understand. And all those students that are about to complete their studies. They must be learning new AI skills to enter the market to start their career. Companies are about to implement AI usage in their organization next year. Open doors for new opportunities and change the working style from traditional to modern.

Companies in India have started training their workforce to and AI skills adaptable and this practice will help adopters get the top thing they need for them.


Adopting AI skills is going to shape the future of work. Where the country recognizes human potential. Soft skills will play a pivotal role when it comes to building employees who shape and provide the best work for them by building a powerful workforce. Moreover, LinkedIn has also announced that they will invest Rs 3 crore by having a year partner with The/Nudge Institute. if you are looking for more such content to be provided to you. You can connect with us with the contact details given or comment on the things you are looking to be covered. We will provide you with the content you need.

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